Are you unable to manage your finances when you need it? When you have an emergency, you can find yourself in financial trouble. Salary professionals often have to pay for unexpected expenses, which can lead to a financial hole. A personal loan can be a blessing for those who rely on their salary to meet short-term and longer-term goals. This loan is the best way to quickly access funds to pay for vacations, medical bills, furniture purchases, or pay off credit cards.
Personal loans can be customized to suit various purposes. These unsecured loans are very popular among millennials. LoanTap is a great way to add value to your life. It allows you to receive the loan amount instantly into your account. LoanTap makes it easy to apply online for a personal loan. LoanTap has revolutionized the availability of loans.
What is a Quick Personal Loan?
You have the best options for financing your financial needs with instant personal loans. This allows you to reach all your goals. Quick Loans can help you finance your trip or wedding at a lower interest rate. You don’t need to pledge to get a loan fast. LoanTap offers instant personal loans starting at Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 10,000 for terms ranging from 6 to 60 months at 18% interest rates. Accessing an online loan is easy from your office or home.
Instant Loan
Personal loans make it much easier for government workers. LoanTap allows users to get instant loans without having to rely on savings. Unexpected problems can arise when you borrow money from a non-fintech lender. Personal loans are the most efficient and innovative way to address financial obligations. Personal loans offer many benefits for government and salaried employees.
Nominal documentation: Personal loans are a blessing for those who struggle with their expenses. This loan is easy to apply for and requires minimum documentation. Online personal loans are available via digital lending technology. You only need to upload a few basic documents to verify your identity.
Quick loans in India without collateral are unsecured. A personal loan that is inclusive and easily accessible doesn’t require collateral. LoanTap allows you to receive instant approval without submitting a mortgage against your loan amount.
Quick Access – Digital technology bridges customers and fintech lenders by providing loans via online platforms. LoanTap will approve the loan within 24 hours. After approval of the loan application, one receives instant cash via LoanTap in just a few steps.
You can spend your credited loan amount wherever you like. There are no restrictions. You could use it to plan your D-day or for financial emergencies. You can also use secured loans for other purposes. Personal loans are available for all financial needs.
Transparent: LoanTap will not hide any charges, as all charges are disclosed on the website. The instant disbursal loan can be obtained at lower interest rates than the outstanding balance. If the loan amount is paid in full within 6 months, there is no prepayment penalty.
Flexible Repayments – LoanTap allows borrowers to get personal loans of up to INR 10,00,000. The tenures can be from 6 to 60 months. Flexible repayment options are available, and you can choose the tenure at your convenience.
Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria
Personal loans are available only to those who meet certain conditions. Each financial institution has a set of criteria that applicants must meet to be eligible for personal loans. This is the checklist you need to follow to get an online personal loan for salaried workers:
- For Salaried professionals, you should be between 21 and 60 years old. Self-employed/business people should be between 23 and 65 years.
- Minimum income of Rs. 30,000.
- Indian citizens or residents are required.
- Valid Bank Statements should be valid for at least six months.
- The LoanTap team will review your online application for small loans. Your CIBIL score and all documents in order will increase the likelihood of your loan being approved and cash credited to your account.
- How to Get an Instant Personal Loan
- Follow these steps to get an instant loan from LoanTap. To get a personal loan, you will need to complete an application. To get a loan immediately, you will need to follow these steps:
- Install the LoanTap app from Google Play Store or visit the page to apply online.
- Fill out the following information to create your profile: Email address, residential address and basic contact details.
- After creating a profile, you can view the offers and select the loan amount.
- Send the documents to the team with appropriate validation.
- Wait for verification and scrutiny of credit scores.
- After the KYC has been completed, the loan can be approved.
- Once you have met all the requirements, the loan amount will be credited within 24 to 36 hours.
- Use of Quick Personal Loans in India
- Home Renovation – This is a cost-effective way to borrow funds for home improvements and make a profit from your monthly salary. Personal loans can finance home renovations like fittings, repairs, and remodeling. LoanTap can provide you with a loan amounting from a few thousand to several lakhs.
- Wedding: It can be expensive to plan weddings and marriages. It can cause a lot more stress than managing your monthly expenses. It cannot be easy to arrange immediate funds. A personal loan can help you cover the cost of extra parties and luxurious locations.
- Debt Consolidation Credit card bills are impossible to pay if you don’t have enough funds. You can get short-term loans to pay high-cost credit card bills without having to submit any security.
- Rent deposit Millennials are moving to more diverse cities in search of higher rents. It is common to deposit 6 months’ rent when renting an apartment or house. Personal loans can be used to help you deposit your rent on time.
- Medical – Medical emergencies are not always obvious. For those facing such an emergency, personal loans can be a great option. You can avoid big problems by borrowing a few dollars to pay for your medical bills.